Friday 6 March 2009

Lab 4 Map Composition

OK so I have been working on the Lab for over 10 hours! At first the map was SUPER tiny and I could not figure out for the life of me what I did wrong. I had to end up opening a new document and just copy and paste everything over. Then just when I thought I was finished, I now realized that my neat line is not even appearing. The strangest thing is, I can see it in Illustrator and also after I save it as a jpeg and reopen the jpeg file. For some reason, the neat line does not show when I post it to my blog. Illustrator is too hard to use without any instructions and it takes up so much time. I will go ahead and post my pics to my S drive as well, I can't work on this for 10 more hours just to get the neat line to appear.

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